Hostel Kutaisi, Geórgia

(4 avaliações)4

Come help us at the kitchen and bar, Kutaisi - Georgia

Conecte-se com viajantes internacionais
3 viajantes recomendam esse anfitrião para conhecer pessoas de vários cantos do mundo
Viva uma imersão na cultura local
Um viajante recomendou esse anfitrião para quem procura viver uma imersão cultural local
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Como você vai ajudar


Horas por semana
Colabore com seu anfitrião por algumas horinhas.
Ajudante de Cozinha
Ajude a preparar, finalizar e servir refeições.
Prepare e sirva drinks e ajude a organizar estoques.
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O que você recebe


Dias livres por semana
Um tempinho livre para você curtir, explorar e descansar.
Quarto compartilhado
Você terá uma cama em um quarto compartilhado, ou seja, irá dividir o quarto com outras pessoas.
Internet de Alta Velocidade
Internet de alta velocidade para você trabalhar remotamente
Espaço de Trabalho Dedicado
Espaço específico para você trabalhar remotamente
Use nossa cozinha equipada
Fique à vontade para usar nossa cozinha para cozinhar sua própria comida.
Lavanderia gratuita
Você pode usar nossa lavanderia gratuitamente.
Aulas de idiomas
Participe gratuitamente das aulas de idioma no nosso espaço.
Bicicletas à vontade
Use nossas bikes à vontade, quando quiser.
Receba ajuda da equipe da Worldpackers caso precise em algum momento da viagem.
Anfitrião verificado
Esse anfitrião foi checado pela nossa equipe antes de entrar na comunidade.
Proteção WP
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Fique pelo menos
2 semanas

A Experiência

WINTER : we are looking for someone that serve Georgian food already prepare to our guests, sell the tickets for the georgian family dinner and manage the food in portions ass well once the food is finish to ask the Georgian chef to prepare it again, partecipate to our Georgian dinner, set the table manage the fridge of the bar and invite people to drink and have games . SPRING/SUMMER: MAKING FOOD BUDGET,COOKING DINNER,MANAGING BAR , GAMES.

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  • Italiano Fluente ou Inglês Fluente
  • Entre 18 e 35 anos
  • Recebe voluntários sozinhos (não aceita casal ou duplas)

O que não está incluso

Passagens, seguro viagem, transporte e visto

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Na nossa comunidade, você pode conversar com worldpackers que já colaboraram com esse anfitrião e tirar suas dúvidas diretamente.

Sugestão do que perguntar:

  • a) Como foi sua experiência no anfitrião?
  • b) Como era seu dia-a-dia?
  • c) Quanto gastou nessa viagem?

Exclusivo para membros

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4 avaliações


Anfitrião & Equipe


Horas & Tarefas




Aprendizado & Diversão


Como essa experiência vai te transformar

  • 3 Me conectei com viajantes internacionais
  • 1 Tive uma imersão na cultura local
  • 1 Me conectei com pessoas locais
  • 1 Pratiquei Inglês

Costa Rica


Great hostel, the owner very friendly, good communication, thanks for accepting me in my first experience as a volunteer

2 meses atrás



I applied under cat-sitting listing during low season (owner and manager are away). Before confirmation, host did inform me of extra things required to do that is not originally mentioned in the listing like check-in of guests. Most of the housekeeping duties were done by a cleaner who came weekly and I was then asked to fill in a little bit in between, which wasn't too much work. So although there were some extra stuff outside the original agreement, they were reasonable. Cats are well-behaved and easy to manage, I will definitely miss them!

4 meses atrás



My time at the hostel was super nice, you get to meet a lot of international travelers, pretty nice and chill atmosphere, game nights, delicious food, from difrent parts of the world. I can say that sometimes it can get a bit exhausting, but overall a really good experience

9 meses atrás

Riccardo respondeu

Marius we miss you, You were part of our family and you will always be part of the season 2023 . great moment with this amazing guy

Estados Unidos


Truly awful experience, after my plane ticket was booked a couple days early by accident after I extended they decided to take away my day off and give me more hours to work after I decided to leave they charged me almost 200$ for beer,transportation, and bedding. because of the workload they expect 2 volunteers left early in my stay and I left as well. These people do not respect you and will even have you leave phony reviews on their hostel to boost their rating, even after all this I wished him the best and responded by cursing at me and threatening me. STAY CLEAR OF THIS HOSTEL

7 meses atrás

Riccardo respondeu

Dear Connor you confirmed your stay till the 10 of the of October and you signed an official paper contract with written your few tasks that you needed to do to pay off all your expenses such as BREAKFAST, LUNCH, DINNER, TOURS WHICH YOU PARTECIPATE, PUB CRAWLS AND A BED IN A DORM THAT COST TO US . If your ticket was booked with a mistake you needed to inform us before and not leave us like this .
Our training of formation as part of the hostel as a cost of hours to us and if you were not interested you had time to say that you didn't like it and leave the hostel but instead you sign a contract and in this case your bed night left will be charged fully with all the alchool that you decided to drink nd don't pay off .
Escaping obviously done demage to us since we needeed to pay hourly someone else to cover the hours you needeed to do to pay your bed and expences.
The 2 volunteers left early didn't sign any contract and explained properly why they were leaving and we had in mind already to don't let them stay longer then that .

The worst think for you to do was to leave without notice and leave a mess in the room .

We treat all people the same here and give all meals and bed for a value of 100 gel a day and be treat like a member of our family is not been treat bad .

Hope all the other worldpackers host will be aware that the only thing that you do well is watching cartoons on the Sofa and oversleep from the first day and drink alchool in excess and escape like a criminal without paying .

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Sobre o anfitrião

Anfitrião: Riccardo

Taxa de Resposta
Esse anfitrião costuma responder 60% das conversas
Tempo de Resposta
Esse anfitrião costuma responder em 1 dia

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