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Farm Ávila, Spain

(2 reviews)2

Helping with the firewood

Help a sustainable project
This host contributes to building a better and more sustainable future for all!
High demand host
This host has received 6 applications recently. We recommend you apply for other positions too.
Immerse yourself in the local culture
2 travelers recommend this host for those looking for a local cultural immersion
Connect with nature
2 travelers recommend this experience for reconnecting with nature
Accepts couples and pairs of volunteers
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What you offer


Hours per week
Help out and collaborate with your host only a few hours per week.
Plant crops, sow seeds and help in outside tasks.
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What you get


Days off per week
Have some time off for yourself, go explore the city or rest for a while.
Private Room
You will have a bed in a private room. In other words, a room just for you.
Basic Internet Access
Basic speed internet for you to work remotely
Dedicated Workspace
Specific space for you to work remotely
Use our equipped kitchen
Feel free to use our kitchen and make your own delicious food.
Free Laundry
You can use our laundry room freely.
Get help from the Worldpackers support team in case you need it, at any point of your trip.
Verified Host
This host has been verified by our team before joining the community.
WP Safeguard
Did something not go as planned? Contact our team.
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Stay at least
1 week

The Experience

Help us load, prepare and store the firewood that has fallen on the ground, in the forest thought the garaje for next winter

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  • Welcomes solo volunteers, couples, and partners of volunteers

What's not included

Flights, Travel Insurance, Internal Transportation and Visa

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Talk to those who have lived the experience

In our community, you can talk to worldpackers who have already collaborated with this host and get your questions answered directly.

You can ask things like:

  • a) How was your experience with this host?
  • b) How was your day-to-day routine?
  • c) How much did you spend on this trip?

Exclusive for members

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Become a Verified Member and exchange ideas before your trip with other worldpackers who will be volunteering in the same place as you.

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UN Sustainable Development Goals

Join the host in pursuit of these goals and contribute to building a better and more sustainable future for all.

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2 Reviews


Host & Team


Hours & Tasks




Learning & Fun


How this experience will transform you

  • 2 Immersing in the local culture
  • 2 Get in touch with nature
  • 2 Meeting locals
  • 2 Learning about sustainability
  • 1 Practicing Spanish
  • 1 Developing environmental awareness

This host contributes to Sustainable Development Goals

  • 2 15. Life on land
  • 1 6. Clean water and sanitation



The host gives you much freedom as you'll have a private room, a fairytale-like house, and a patio to yourself. It's located in a mountain belonging to the national park with fresh air and tranquil atmosphere. The work I did there was to carry wood and help split the wood. The host is very nice and they have four children speaking multiple languages. Overall, the experience there was fantastic.

4 months ago



Karen e Pedro são fantásticos, vou levá-los comigo pela vida como amigos. Me proporcionaram momentos e experiências inesquecíveis. Fui muito bem acolhido e estive muito bem amparado em todo o tempo; me fizeram sentir em casa, sempre me deixando à vontade e cuidando do meu bem-estar. O trabalho foi bem tranquilo e o local deslumbrante, a casa é maravilhosa, tive muito contato com animais e com a natureza, momentos ótimos para se conectar consigo mesmo. Pude vivenciar muito a cultura local e tive excelentes oportunidades para praticar Espanhol me incentivavam a aprender e praticar diariamente.

3 months ago

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About the host

  • • Recently Online

Hosted by Karen

Response Rate
This host usually answers to 80% of the messages
Response Time
This host usually writes back in Less than a day

Want to know more about this host?

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