Hotel LA GLORIA, Colombia

Ayudanos a pintar de colores nuestros espacios y disfruta

Higher chance of approval
This host has recently approved volunteers and is looking for more applications.
Accepts couples and pairs of volunteers
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What you offer


Hours per week
Help out and collaborate with your host only a few hours per week.
Help with painting, graffiti, sculpting or drawing.
Painting & Decorating
Help with painting or decorating the property facilities.
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What you get


Days off per week
Have some time off for yourself, go explore the city or rest for a while.
Private Room
You will have a bed in a private room. In other words, a room just for you.
You are entitled to a free lunch, every day of your stay.
Use our equipped kitchen
Feel free to use our kitchen and make your own delicious food.
Free Laundry
You can use our laundry room freely.
Get a certificate of completion after you finish your experience.
Get help from the Worldpackers support team in case you need it, at any point of your trip.
Verified Host
This host has been verified by our team before joining the community.
WP Safeguard
Did something not go as planned? Contact our team.
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Stay at least
1 week

The Experience

Anímate a visitar nuestro pueblo ubicado a orillas del Rio Grande de La Magdalena, en el departamento del Cesar, rodeado de flora y fauna entre ciénagas, fincas, ríos y un imponente malecón turístico ubicado a orillas del Rio Magdalena. Dentro del hotel tenemos unos espacios donde podemos plasmar tu arte con las pinturas, embelleciendo e impactando positivamente a todos los huéspedes que nos visiten a cambio recibirás una estancia como la mereces

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  • Beginner Spanish or Fluent English
  • Between 20 and 50 years old
  • Welcomes solo volunteers, couples, and partners of volunteers

What's not included

Flights, Travel Insurance, Internal Transportation and Visa

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About the host

Hosted by José Nahin

Response Rate
This host usually answers to 80% of the messages
Response Time
This host usually writes back in Less than a day
1 published videos
This host has 1 published videos showing a little bit about their place

Want to know more about this host?

We only provide detailed host information and videos to Members

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How do Worldpackers trips work?

As a member, you can contact as many hosts and travel safely as many times as you want.

Choose your plan to travel with Worldpackers as many times as you like.

Complete your profile, watch the video lessons in the Academy, and earn certificates to stand out to hosts.

Apply to as many positions as you like, and get in contact with our verified hosts.

If a host thinks you’re a good fit for their position, they’ll pre-approve you.

Get your documents and tickets ready for your volunteer trip.

Confirm your trip to enjoy all of the safety of Worldpackers.

Have a transformative experience and make a positive impact on the world.

If anything doesn’t go as planned with a host, count on the WP Safeguard and our highly responsive support team!

After volunteering, you and your host exchange reviews.

With positive reviews, you’ll stand out to hosts and get even more benefits.

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