Hostel Koh Pha-Ngan, Tailândia

(5 avaliações)5

Car Mechanic

Anfitrião muito concorrido
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O que você recebe


Dias livres por semana
Um tempinho livre para você curtir, explorar e descansar.
Quarto compartilhado
Você terá uma cama em um quarto compartilhado, ou seja, irá dividir o quarto com outras pessoas.
Café da manhã
Você ganha café da manhã gratuito todos os dias que ficar aqui.
Internet Básica
Internet de velocidade básica para você trabalhar remotamente
Use nossa cozinha equipada
Fique à vontade para usar nossa cozinha para cozinhar sua própria comida.
Descontos em festas
Ganhe descontos em festas e baladas nas redondezas.
Descontos em drinks
Ganhe descontos em drinks ou bebidas do nosso bar.
Descontos em tours
Ganhe descontos em tours ou passeios pela cidade.
Festas de graça
Ganhe entrada gratuita para as melhores festas da cidade.
Eventos de graça
Ganhe entrada gratuita para os melhores eventos da cidade.
Pub Crawls
Participe dos nossos pub crawls pelos bares da cidade!
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Fique pelo menos
2 semanas

A Experiência

If you have a skills to fix cars we would love to get your help, some of our cars have some problems and will need to be fixed in return we will take good care for you and provide you with everything you need to have a pleasant stay on island

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  • Inglês Intermediário
  • Recebe voluntários sozinhos, casais e duplas de voluntários

O que não está incluso

Passagens, seguro viagem, transporte e visto

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  • a) Como foi sua experiência no anfitrião?
  • b) Como era seu dia-a-dia?
  • c) Quanto gastou nessa viagem?

5 avaliações


Anfitrião & Equipe


Horas & Tarefas




Aprendizado & Diversão


Como essa experiência vai te transformar

  • 4 Me conectei com viajantes internacionais
  • 1 Pratiquei Inglês



- got picked up from the pier - managers Fang & Edgar are absolutely amazing & will help you with anything - you get free dinner/drinks during full moon - NO COMMUNICATION!! - found out on arrival that I'll be working at a different Hostel the first week - had to sleep in the entrance hall during full moon —> so no privacy - were expected to be at the Hostel all day during full moon, so if you had the morning shift you'd be there from 10-midnight - yelled at volunteers in front of guests for absolutely nothing - threatened to kick volunteers out all the time - insulted us

5 dias atrás



The other volunteers that I met were so amazing but the hostel itself was an extremely stressful environment and I would NOT go back. Pros: - Fang and Edgar are amazing managers - access to free/discounted parties and alcohol. - Owner can be kind and caring Cons: - If you make any kind of mistake owner becomes extremely aggressive. Yelling, swearing and threatening to kick volunteers out of the Hostel, throwing things etc. - Expects you to work minimum 10 hours a day during full moon - volunteers forced to sleep in storage room during full moon

19 dias atrás



The experience was pretty good! Shine, the owner, was always very attent and supportive to me. In some days he dedicate himself to cook very good meals for everyone in the hostel which also creates a nice interactive opportunity for the guests and volunteers. The lonunge space has a very fancy stille with several games and chill ambience available to people's interaction. By more than 2 months here we have cultivated a great friendship. He is very passionate about the place, and the work that needs to be done. It may demand great responsability from those whom wish to volunteer here! 😉💪👊

20 dias atrás

Reino Unido


Pros -got picked up -Fang the manager is lovely -some free drinks and tickets for full moon -met lovely people cons -I did not do what I applied for -the owner sends heated text messages in the gc and privately if small mistakes are made and threatens to kick people out -gets aggressive and shouts belittles staff in front of guests -does not understand that this is an exchange or honour the contract -you have to work extra for the full moon and events leading up -when it is quiet and off season for phangan there might be 4 volunteers on a shift that only needs 1 or 2

1 mês atrás



The host was very disrespectful and didn't stick to the agreements I had to Work 8 hours a day When I asked when I had my day off, he said a maximum of one day a week and threatened to quit. He had stated that I had 3 days off and only had to work 15 hours a week, but none of this was adhered to. The host put my things in a garbage bag in the middle of the night and left me outside the door without having the option to stay overnight anywhere else

2 meses atrás

Shine respondeu

If I don’t have nothing nice to say about people than I don’t really want to wrote anything, Paul showed up just before full moon festival he helped us little with painting and full bucket of pain trow and destroyed floor and many brushes it was his first day we didn’t even approve him on a Worldpackers he just showed up and ask if he can help, we mistakenly accepted him he didn’t mention that I give him to use free motorbike also I bought gasoline for him, yes we was need extra hour of help during festival, and we give extra benefits, during this time no body can have day off, but after festival we give extra days off to people and many other benefits , he just arrived and make big mess everywhere, on the second day asked day off, it’s not true he was working hours what he mentioned he was drinking all our bar for free and going to party using our benefits to go for free, he was not helpful at all, he meet us beautiful family who give him home, but he just used so much and when we told him nice to leave he was refusing few times and yes it’s true we was need to pack his things and put in new plastic bags to make him understand that he need to go, we was begging him to leave he was very bad for us and for our family, we host many 100s volunteers without issues, but this guy was a very bad match to us, it was worst than I can write but don’t want to be to honest to say everything it will not be nice. I just saw this review I was trying to not remember this bad experience with this guy, hope he will learn opportunity he hade and I do t believe he will ever have a such a great opportunity as he hade here, we was explaining him on the first day how is everything he was accept all he said that he understood and that it’s ok, but was not ok as we can see here. Wish him all the best but I’m begging again never come to visit our home again we build this home without you by our self in to what is today we don’t need this kind of people to apply we will rather be alone 🙏

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Anfitrião: Shine

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Esse anfitrião costuma responder em 2 dias

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