Worldpackers will take your business to the next level

Find over 2,000,000 travelers from 172 countries to exchange their skills for accommodation.

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The perks of using Worldpackers for your business

A free worldwide community that puts your business in front of thousands of travelers

Thousands of creative digital nomads looking to learn and collaborate

An easy and fast way to recruit people anytime, anywhere!

Check out how travelers can help you

Web Development
Make your website shine - get a brand new (and beautiful) site for your business.
Social Media
Gain awareness and traction in ways you never thought possible
Marketing & Communication
Spread your message and brand all over the world

And 20 other skills!

A worldwide community of +2,000,000 passionate travelers

Social Media
1 review
1 review
Web Developer
1 review
Video Making
3 reviews

"I love the platform and what it offers to both sides, worldpackers and hosts. Until now the people that applied to us were all nice, friendly, open-minded and could really contribute to our community of international students and digital nomads. Most of them were also skilled in what we needed here like web programming, social media, marketing, video and photography."


SEOintheSUN - Spain

News about Worldpackers around the world

The best tools for recruiting the perfect Worldpackers

We're always available to help you out. Always.
Quickly reply to applicants on the go and never lose a great worldpacker.
You and the worldpackers review each other to let the world know how great you were together.
Search for Worldpackers
Browse and invite our 2,000,000+ highly motivated travelers.
Reduce No-Show
We drastically reduce no-shows by charging applicants a commitment fee.
Easily manage who's coming and going to plan ahead.