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7 Essential things people always forget to pack for a trip

Check out these 7 common things that people forget to pack and make your ultimate list of essentials items to relax on your well-deserved vacation.



There are two types of travelers. The ones that start packing two or three weeks ahead, adding and removing items, carefully crafting their travel checklist and their suitcase, to anticipate what is necessary. 

The other group searches for a suitcase the night before the flight cramming in their choices, seemingly stress-free.

It may seem obvious to you that one type is better than the other. The reality is, mistakes still happen. Both travelers may arrive at their destination, unpack, and realize they have forgotten an essential item.

Review this article before your next trip. Save yourself from that dreaded feeling when you realize you have forgotten something important. This will allow you to relax and enjoy your well-deserved vacation. 

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1. Charging Cords

This is first on the list for a reason. You will want to have your device charged before your trip, so it is easy to forget to pack this on the day of your trip. Pack an extra or leave a reminder note, so you don’t forget this important item.

Cell phone chargers are usually available (at an exorbitant rate) in airports. It will be harder to replace laptop cords. Remember to include a cord for anything else that requires charging, like wireless speakers or your camera.

Be sure to remember this item when you are traveling home from your vacation. Hostels could start a side business selling the power cords found after checkout.

2. Internet Safety

Cybercrime is a real threat. Criminals will use any and every opportunity to infiltrate your device. If successful, this can result in financial loss or even more serious, identity theft.

Airports take cybersecurity seriously but cannot fully control the problem. It is recommended to use a VPN before connecting to airport Wi-Fi. This travel safety tips applies to any public Wi-Fi, including your hostel or your favorite coffee shop. 

For example, when I traveled to Brazil, I wanted to secure my Internet connection. So I used a VPN in Brazil to improve my cyber security. Be smart and protect your devices and, ultimately, yourself before your next vacation.

3. First Aid Kit

A vacation first aid kit should be personalized for your unique set of circumstances. 

The kit should have minor wound care, bandages, antibiotic cream, etc. Be sure to include a small bottle or blister packs of pain, gastrointestinal, and cold medicines.

Remember to pack enough prescription medication for your trip (with a few days extra just in case). 

Consider taking a copy of your prescription and the generic name of the medication. This will help if something happens and you need to fill the prescription while on vacation.

Depending on the nature of your vacation, you may want to include bug spray, sun-screen, and after-sun lotions.

4. Glasses and Contact Lenses

Nothing will cast shade on your vacation, like not being able to see clearly. 

Pack an extra set of prescription eyeglasses, sunglasses, or contact lenses. Finding an eye specialist to get a new prescription would be time-consuming and costly.

5. Umbrella

You will be more likely to find yourself singing in the rain if you pack an umbrella. 

No need to pack your big cumbersome umbrella; find a small, lightweight travel one. Consider leaving this in your suitcase year-round to save yourself the ‘where did I put that’ blues.

Alternatively, consider packing a lightweight rain jacket with a hood. This could do double-duty and keep you warm on a chilly evening.

6. Swimsuit

Perhaps you don’t anticipate needing your swimsuit for your bird watching trip in the Scottish Highlands. 

Do yourself a favor and pack it anyhow. Perhaps your hostel will end up having a pool or hot tub. Even more adventurous, you may find yourself wild swimming in the Highlands with your newfound birder friends.

7. Oversized Scarves

This item may seem surprising but don’t be fooled; scarves can be very versatile. They are compact and easy to pack.

If you are short on suitcase space, consider wearing one while traveling. Use it as a blanket or a pillow.

A scarf can be used as a head covering to protect you from rain or sun. You can also use it to spruce up a simple outfit for a fancy dinner. Think of it as a trendy version of the towel recommended for all interstellar travel (Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy).

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