How I transformed my turnover into my business strength! By Did's Hostel


Did's Hostel Testimonial

As a host owner, I find tricky to talk about business management with other people. Why? Because there are a few businesses that operate 24/7 like a hostel does. I like to say that Hostel Owners have (or should have) superpowers to run their places. As we never stop here at Did’s Hostel, me and my two fellow partners decided to train, empower and involve more and more our staff with the hostel management. But the main issue we faced was the high turnover of employees.

Basically, we were always worried about the day after. Overnight, we had to go after trustable people and train them over and over again! Well, you already know the story. So, I had to stop everything I was doing and go after local people or even travelers coming to São Paulo to join Did's team because I hadn’t planned ahead or had the means to do exactly that. But then Worldpackers launched this new platform tool called Staff Calendar (which, by the way, I like to call my ‘Sacred Calendar’) that suddenly became a must HAVE at Dids. Seriously. And here is why.

To be honest, I consider myself a disorganized person in life, but I do get organized once I have the right tools to do so. By using Worldpackers Staff Calendar, I can effortlessly organize our team for the next 6 months, know exactly who is arriving and leaving, have the whole picture of our staff members and control all my staff. And, by being fully staffed for the next few months, there is no worry about finding more people. So I have time to put all my efforts into the other millions of issues that a Hostel owner needs to look after (and you know there are lots of them!)

To sum up, nowadays my turnover became something wonderful to my business because we always have fresh people coming with new energy, new personalities, new vibes, new ideas to improve our place and, most importantly, new friends to make our guests feel at home.

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