Hostel Galle, Sri Lanka

(12 reseñas)12

We are looking for backpackers to help at the Reception

Mayor posibilidad de aprobación
Este anfitrión aprobó voluntarios recientemente y busca más solicitudes
Conéctate con viajeros internacionales
12 viajeros recomiendan a este anfitrión para conocer a personas de diferentes lugares del mundo
Sumérgete en la cultura local
7 viajeros recomiendan este anfitrión para vivir de cerca y aprender sobre la cultura local
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Que ofreces


Horas por semana
Ayuda y colabora solo por algunas horas a la semana.
Ayuda con los check-ins, check-outs y atiende a los huéspedes.
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Que obtienes


Días libres por semana
Un tiempo libre para explorar la cuidad o descansa un rato.
Habitación compartida
Tendrás una cama en un cuarto compartido con otros viajeros.
Internet Básica
Internet de velocidad básica para trabajar remotamente
Descuentos en restaurantes
Obtén descuentos en restaurantes cercanos.
Fiestas gratis
Obtén pases gratis a las mejores fiestas de la ciudad.
Recibe ayuda del equipo de soporte Worldpackers si la necesitas en cualquier etapa de tu viaje.
Anfitriones verificado
Este anfitrión ha sido verificado por nuestro equipo antes de unirse a la comunidad.
Protección WP
¿Algo ha sido diferente a lo acordado? Ponte en contacto con nuestro equipo.
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Quédate al menos
3 semanas

La Experiencia

We are looking for backpackers who would like to work in exchange for accommodation and other benefits as previously explained. We need your help around 5 hours a day, 4 days a week to help with the everyday upkeep tasks around the hostel and they have 3 days off per week, as well as helping with managing bookings and organizing events.

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  • Inglés Intermedio
  • Entre 20 y 32 años
  • Admite voluntarios solos (no admite parejas o dúos)

Lo que no está incluído

Vuelos, Seguro de Viaje, Transporte Interno y Visa

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Hable con los que vivieron la experiencia

En nuestra comunidad, puede hablar con worldpackers que ya han colaborado con este anfitrión y obtener respuestas a sus preguntas.

Puedes preguntar cosas como:

  • a) ¿Cómo fue tu experiencia con este anfitrión?
  • b) ¿Cómo fue tu rutina diaria?
  • c) ¿Cuánto gastaste en este viaje?

Exclusivo para miembros

Conecta con los que también estarán allí

Sea un miembro verificado e intercambie ideas antes de su viaje con otros worldpackers que harán voluntariado en el mismo lugar que tú.

Sea miembro

12 Reseñas


Anfitrión y Equipo


Horas y Tareas




Aprendizaje y Diversión


Cómo esta experiencia te transformará

  • 12 Me conecté con viajeros internacionales
  • 7 Me sumergí en la cultura local.
  • 7 Me conecté con los habitantes
  • 5 Mejoré mi Inglés
  • 2 Me conecté con la naturaleza
  • 1 Desarrollé mi conciencia social

Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible a los que contribuye este anfitrión

  • 3 8. Trabajo decente y crecimiento económico

República Checa


I would recommend volunteering at the hostel. I felt welcome, there are some activities volunteers and guests can do together almost every day. The work wasn't really hard, there was not that many guests at that time so it was quite chill. Unawatuna is a nice town, there's a nice beach for beginner surfers, Turtle beach, some nice Cafés and bars but also local restaurants. The host is nice and friendly. Overall, I enjoyed my experience.

hace 3 meses



My stay in the hostel backpackers hostel was an amazing experience that I really recommend other volounteers. It was my first one with worldpackers and I am really happy. The tasks are easy and you don't need previous experience, you have lot of free time to explore the area which is very close to surf spots, beaches, temples and train/bus station to reach other cities in your free days. local people working in the staff are very kind and nice. As the host is very fast to response to new applications I suggest to new volounteers to text a lot about your expectation/needs before your stay

hace 3 meses

Reino Unido


My experience at the hostel was a very positive one. I enjoyed the location of the hostel and the other lovely volunteers I met. My role was as the yoga instructor which I enjoyed as it helped me build further experience with teaching large groups for the future. Due to unforeseen circumstances I had to leave a week earlier and Lucky was very accommodating and supportive. My personal experience of the hostel dorms and common area weren't great in terms of cleanliness and overall hygiene . However I am thankful for this opportunity to explore Unawatuna and to teach yoga.

hace 13 días



My first 3 weeks in this hostel were really nice, I got along with the host very well, I liked the vibe in the hostel and the work was good. The host had one rule about not bring guests to parties outside of the town, which I completely understand. However, in the last week the host suddenly accused me from this, because 'he had a feeling'. His communication style was unprofessional at this moment, later the host made a contract with more rules for the volunteers, at this point I decided to leave the hostel. I think the host is a friendly person, so I hope he can work on his communication.

hace 1 mes

Lakshitha (Lucky) respondido

Thanks for the review. Usually when guests are checking for a hostel we have hostels rules. So i have some terms and conditions for the volunteers as well. Is there anyone who don’t want agree for these conditions they can’t volunteer here.



The work was easy& the volunteers in the hostel were nice! They had group activities almost every evening. It's a very social hostel, I would recommend staying as a guest. As a volunteer I made a different experience. He was nice when everything goes his way but otherwise he was treating the volunteers rudely sometimes, so at the end 4 volunteers left in 3 days. I don't think that's a coincidence. At the end he designed an agreement which the volunteers should sign about his questionable rule. crazy…

hace 1 mes

Lakshitha (Lucky) respondido

Yes i do have some agreement with volunteers otherwise they can do anything like this. This is your first experience and you left without saying anything. The paid guests are not check our early because they like the hostel and vibe here. I already have more than five people now so it's not big problem for me volunteers are leaving because there lot's of people who want to get experience. Also as host i help to you lot with many things. So i don't recommend people who are leaving without saying anything also try make problems for the host and to the hostels. Good luck for your next experience. I even can't say thanks to you because you of what you did.

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Alojado por Lakshitha (Lucky)

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1 vídeos publicados
Este anfitrión tiene 1 videos que muestran un poco del lugar

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