Loma Negra Farm

Greetings one and all.

I invite you to consider this unique experience in Buchupureo Chile helping to create an environment and develop a piece of land into into a thriving, productive ecosystem based on permaculture ideologies.

Loma Negra Farm is located in the beautiful coastal region of Nuble. A peaceful forested hillside with stunning elevated views overlooking Buchupureo (one of Chiles top surf breaks!) the small town and the surrounding countryside. The mountains are just a few hours away where there is plenty of hiking, water falls or snowboarding/ski.

You will be glamping out under the stars In a Tipi style tent or a safari style wall tent with wood burner. Volunteers are advised to bring there own sleeping bags and sleeping mats. There is a hot shower facility, a composting toilet, a kitchen facility and safe storage.

As well as preparing our own healthy meals, We will be enjoying some meal times with a local family who have sustainably farmed these lands and fished these waters for Millenia, This is a great opportunity to learn their methods, integrate with the locals and learn more Spanish ( if you wish to do so) Also there are some good reteraunts and places to eat close by

By means of solar power, rainwater retention, landscaping with purpose, planting a food forest, constructing a geodesic dome green house and building with traditional and sustainable techniques like adobe (hey and earth) The aim is to create a magical, comfortable living environment which is self sustainable and off grid.

Previous experience is not required. Volunteers will most certainly take home with them new skill sets and a deeper knowledge in all aspects of building, permaculture and living ‘off grid’ Anyone with a trade, knowledge or professional experience to bring to the table would also be amazing.

Work hours will be 30 per week, approximately 5 hours per day in exchange for accommodation and food. Potentially there is a basic national wage for professionals and extra hours worked if you wish… depending on how good the surf is !

I am a very keen life long traveler / surfer, outdoors enthusiast, shape surfboards, hike, spearfish, music etc. So happy to share these things and arrange tours , hikes and activities too.

Thank you and I really look forward to hearing from you to plan your experience.

WORK DUTIES INCLUDE : *planting trees, plants and crops * landscaping swales, steps, paths etc. manually and with machinery * fencing *carpentry/ framing * clearing and mulching areas of land * chainsaw work *surfing * building and construction * landscaping swales, steps, paths etc. manually *cleaning *cooking *electrics *plumbing and more ACTIVITIES INCLUDE : *surfing,surfing,surfing *snowboarding/ski *learning to surf (lessons with local instructors) *Yoga with qualified local instructor *fishing *foraging *learning English or Spanish *hikes *bikes


(1 reseña)1

Anfitrión y equipo


Horas y tareas




Aprendizaje y diversión




O anfitrião não cumpre com as informações da vaga de voluntário. Depois de 5 dias trabalhados, na vaga em WP teria direito a 2 dias livres, e em meu dia livre ele pediu para que eu continuasse trabalhando.

A vaga também não corresponde ao que oferece em relação a aulas de yoga, trilhas, aulas de idiomas e dormitório (não tem cama e todos os dias dormi em um colchão de ar furado.

hace 4 meses

CHRISTOPHER respondido

Unfortunately I had to ask Amanda to leave after five days due to her lack of interest in the project. She told me that she wasn’t interested in what I was teaching her and communication was extremely difficult due to her lack of Spanish and english. She was very reluctant to help. Having her here was actually counter productive.

I ask all volunteers to bring sleeping mats and sleeping bags as it is a camping experience , which Amanda did not. I did my best to make her comfortable and to enjoy the area.

Amanda demanded another day off after we just had a day of surfing and off road touring and local food the day before! The days we did work Amanda was not interested and mainly stood around. And we always did something fun before or after .

So if you are enthusiastic and open to learn new things and enjoy the area then this is for you. If you just want a free holiday like Amanda then please look elsewhere

Many thanks Chris

Perfecto para ti si estás buscando

Contacto con la naturaleza



Yoga / Meditación
