Keep company & support with renovating, cleaning and gardening

(3 avaliações)3

A experiência

Our house used to be an old farmhouse and was conveyed into a holiday house many years ago. There is a lot of things which accumulated over the years which have to be sorted out and the rooms need to be renovated and refurnished.
In the garden there is always something to do and we want to build a natural stone wall and restore the windows and frames.
There would be some other projects depending on your skills too and help my old Mercedes camper

Como você ajuda

25 horas por semana

Pintura e Decoração: Ajude a pintar ou redecorar espaços internos e externos.

Construção e Reparos: Ajude em reparos, manutenção ou a construir.

Jardinagem: Ajude a plantar, regar e cultivar jardins.

O que você ganha

2 dias livres por semana

Quarto privado: Você terá uma cama em um quarto privado, ou seja, um quarto só para você

Café da manhã: Você ganha café da manhã gratuito todos os dias que ficar aqui.

Almoço: Você ganha almoço gratuito todos os dias que ficar aqui.

Jantar: Você ganha jantar gratuito todos os dias que ficar aqui.

Lavanderia gratuita: Você pode usar nossa lavanderia gratuitamente.

Passeios de graça: Te levamos para fazer tours e passeios pela cidade. De graça!

Trilhas de graça: Te levamos para fazer excursões e trilhas pela cidade. De graça!

Bicicletas à vontade: Use nossas bikes à vontade, quando quiser.

Carona na chegada: Te buscamos na sua chegada a cidade e damos uma carona até aqui.

Use nossa cozinha equipada: Fique à vontade para usar nossa cozinha para cozinhar sua própria comida.

Internet Básica: Internet de velocidade básica para você trabalhar remotamente


Alemão Intermediário ou Inglês Intermediário

Entre 18 e 30 anos

Recebe voluntários sozinhos (não aceita casal ou duplas)

O que não está incluso

Passagens, seguro viagem, transporte e visto


We have some guestroom which you can see in the photos and a shared bathroom with shower.
We have a small kitchen but it has anything you would need and a comfortable Bavarian style living room with a traditional tiled stove in the center of it. If you read German you can use our library with hundreds of books and pictorials. We might provide you with an office space you could do some computer work from if necessary.
If you are interested we could visit places around here and discover the architecture, history and culture of the area also in Bohemia / Sudetenland where there used to be a rich German rooted culture before the war. We are happy that both countries can grow together again!

I like doing sports but I'm not in such a good shape right now. You could coach me in Volleyball, Badminton, Tennis, Running, Hiking, Swimming, Biking, Rowing (machine) etc. We also have our own sauna.

Atividades & Turnos

I would like some company taking care of the property and garden. The house has a lot of potential as it was formally used as a holiday place but now is full of furniture and other stuff which needs to be sorted and put in place so we can use all the rooms once they are nicely redone. We also want to build a stone wall with natural stone from the area in the garden. There are lot of tasks (like this one and moving furniture) which require a strong back and some skill, so we are looking mainly for a young man to help us on this.

It would be also nice to do activities together and prepare meals. Probably I will work in the afternoon in a hardware store town for a couple hours, so we would rather be working before noon, cook, eat and then you can continue while I'm gone. In the evening we could sit around the fire and play some music or watch a good movie. I like to play backgammon too.


This area is very beautiful for hikes and bike tours. There are lakes and mountains close by and the region is very interesting historically and geologically. Three nature reservoirs, the Bavarian-, the Oberpfälzer- and the Bohemian-Forest meet here. Next town with a train station is Waldmünchen, seven kilometers away. I can pick you up.

It used to be quite the end of the world here for it was where the Iron Curtain began and there are mountain ranges like a natural border.
So if you are more the city type you would be clearly disappointed! The next bigger town is Cham about 40 minutes by car and if you want to visit a more attractive city I recommend Regensburg (a good hour by car and 2 to 3 hours by train).

Since it's my aunt's house and she's a lawyer she would like to have a copy of your ID for safety's sake (possibly before your arrival.) No smoking!