
  • Age: 26
  • Nationality: Portugal
  • Languages: Spanish, Portuguese, and English

Volunteer experiences

Experience in Brazil

Eco Village Mata de São João, Brazil Sep/2020

Video Making, Party Promoter, and Social Media

Review written by the host

Nossa! Essa foi nossa primeira experiência com voluntariado remoto, foi bom demais, Felipe contribui muito com o evento, muitas experiências foram trocadas, agora a gente só espera a oportunidade de se encontrar presencialmente. Por hora, gratidão Felipe!

  • Social Media
  • Party Promoter
  • Video Making
Fellipe replied

Eu que agradeço a oportunidade de poder ajudar com minhas habilidades e ainda aprender tanto com vocês! E sim, não vejo a hora de pingar ai no Brasil e passar um tempo com vocês conhecendo melhor essa Eco Vila que transmite uma energia tão linda !

Review written by Fellipe

Minha experiência como voluntário para estes queridos está sendo incrível! É uma honra participar deste festival e conhecer melhor o trabalho da Eco Vila e como esta comunidade é linda! Estou desenvolvendo minhas habilidades com edição de vídeo e tratamento de imagem, aprendendo muito com Enrico ajudando a produzir este festival. A experiência não poderia ser melhor! Por conta da pandemia estou voluntariando remotamente, mas não vejo a hora de ir para o projeto Eco Hostel ficar uns dias e conhecer este lugar lindo! Obrigado pela oportunidade ♥️

Academy certificates

View all (6)

Worldpackers Academy was created to prepare the travel community to be committed and engaged volunteers.

CRO: a metodologia mais eficiente para ganhar dinheiro com seu blog

Portuguese version

Concluiu o curso “A metodologia mais eficiente para ganhar dinheiro com seu blog” no qual aprendeu sobre Conversion Rate Optimization, funil de vendas, criação de landings pages e email marketing.

How to find gigs and earn money while traveling the world

Portuguese version

Completed the course “How to find gigs and earn money while traveling the world”, learning how to create new business opportunities and earn money while traveling the world.

Making a living while traveling: managing social media

Portuguese version

Completed the course “Making a living while traveling: managing social media”, learning how to live off the production of digital content and by managing social media accounts for clients around the world.

Community contributions

How the traveler helps the Worldpackers community besides volunteering.


Writing articles for the Worldpackers Blog


  • Portuguese
  • English
  • Spanish


I'm an expert!
  • Party Promoter 1
  • Social Media 1
  • Video Making 1
  • Administration
  • Animal Care
  • Building & Repairing
  • Housekeeping
  • Music
  • Painting & Decorating
  • Photography
  • Teaching Sports
Some experience
  • Bartending
  • Cleaning
  • Content Writer
  • Night Shift
  • Reception
  • Teaching Languages
  • Tour Guide
I want to learn it
  • Cooking
  • Farming
  • Gardening
  • Kitchen Hand
  • Social Work
  • Web Developer

About me as an author

Um caiçara do litoral de SP apaixonado por criar conteúdo e viajar o mundo! Acredito que o sentido da vida é colecionar momentos, histórias. E histórias bem contadas, inspiram pessoas! Por isso eu decidi estudar muito sobre Redação/SEO/CRO e inspirar as pessoas com as minhas histórias. Inspirar a galera a sair da zona de conforto e seguir seus sonhos!



I have experience with social media, filmmaking, photography.

I used to work as a content writer in Brazil, and I'm very excited to develop this skill in English.

I have a diploma in Occupational health and safety, and I was studying environmental engineering.
I'm very passionate about the environment and help others.

Work experience

I edit videos since I was young, and now I work with filmmaking, photography, and social media (Instagram and YouTube).

I am a digital creator, I work with content!.

In my past, I had the opportunity to work as a Maintenance worker, that was amazing! Now I can fix almost everything, or at least I can try! ahaha

Also, with Worldpackers I had the opportunity to work producing and online festival, that was great for my knowledge

A lot of experience with Administrative tasks and screening guests.

When I was young I used to be an English teacher in a small language school in my town.

Travel experience

My first experience with travel was in Argentina, I enjoyed Buenos Aires for a couple of weeks with my family.
Then I had the opportunity to travel to Vancouver for a month and I loved the city, and exactly 1 year after this I was coming back to this city, now to stay for 2 years.

But my goal is to travel around the world, I want to learn and be part of a lot of cultures.