Help with child care at echoes of light

(75 avaliações)75

A experiência

We need help from women with childcare experience caring for young children (mainly for my twin boys age 3) If you apply as a couple one of you will be asked to help with garden or cleaning (see other 2 position for details). You are expected to engage them and supervise them, sing and read to them. you must be energetic and engaging and cannot be on your phone while looking after them. I also expect you to help clean and tidy up with/after them.

Como você ajuda

30 horas por semana

Ajuda na Limpeza: Ajude a limpar cozinhas, quartos, banheiros e outros espaços.

Cuidado de Crianças: Ajude a cuidar, brincar e passar tempo com as crianças.

Taxa extra necessária

Valor: US$ 5 Por dia

Valor destinado a: Doação para o projeto

Descrição: volunteers pay 5$/day to help cover costs associated with their stay (food, propane, water, electricity…) although we offer a free sweatlodge and a couple free tour options, the rest of the therapies and activities offered here come at an additional cost (with a volunteer discount) 5$ to 80$ depending on the activity.

O que você ganha

1 dia livre por semana

Camping: Uma barraca confortável para dormir sob um céu estrelado.

Almoço: Você ganha almoço gratuito todos os dias que ficar aqui.

Passeios de graça: Te levamos para fazer tours e passeios pela cidade. De graça!

Trilhas de graça: Te levamos para fazer excursões e trilhas pela cidade. De graça!

Carona na chegada: Te buscamos na sua chegada a cidade e damos uma carona até aqui.

Use nossa cozinha equipada: Fique à vontade para usar nossa cozinha para cozinhar sua própria comida.

Internet Básica: Internet de velocidade básica para você trabalhar remotamente


Inglês Intermediário ou Espanhol Intermediário

Tem que ter pelo menos 19 anos

Recebe voluntários sozinhos, casais e duplas de voluntários

O que não está incluso

Passagens, seguro viagem, transporte e visto


people come here because they want to retreat in nature, spend time in a process of self discovery, and have opportunities to stay in a healing space and participate in spiritual and healing ceremonies for an affordable cost. we provide this opportunity for people because we were once where you are now and we understand that not all travelers are rich and can afford to pay for places to stay (especially in places that offer healing ceremonies and in a country that is so expensive!) please check out our website at for more info. Please note this is also our home, we live here with our 3 young children and we do not always have clients, we actually do not market our space, and operate solely on word of mouth so dont expect this to be a busy place or a typical “business” but rather a family space with a healing practice that is shared with all who come.

Atividades & Turnos

as mentioned in the description it is about taking care and playing and going for walks with the lil ones… the times may vary we are pretty flexible… usually 4-5 hours per day but may be broken up in two time slots or may start as early as 9 or as late as noon…we are pretty open to adjusting hours to volunteers’ preference.


we expect everyone to do their best at whatever task they are given to do and to do so with love...
we expect everyone to clean up after themselves and help clean up after the children when they are on child care duty…and to help keep the communal areas clean organized and tidy...
We ask that no one use their cell phones during work hours except to check the time.
Please bring your own Towel and umbrella, bring a flashlight and a bag for your dirty laundry. reusable water bottle and thermos cup recommended.

no drugs or drinking alcohol on the property or smoking commercial cigarettes, natural tobacco is okay in the outdoor area away from the house.
silence from 8pm to 6am
lights out at main house at 8pm